Construction Materials Inventory/Geographic Information System Development Project for Pottawatomie County, Kansas
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01110143
Edition:Final Report Fall 2005 - Fall 2007
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Abstract:Construction Materials Inventories (CMIs) created for the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) for 36 Kansas counties are from 23 to 42 years old and in need of updating. New data, GIS technologies, and computer display tools offer new capabilities for the development of interactive web-based CMIs that can be continuously updated. This project developed a pilot CMI interactive website for Pottawatomie County. The county has been experiencing population growth, no state CMI had ever been produced, and the relevant USGS Material Construction Bulletin 1060-C was printed in 1959. Tasks involved gathering and evaluation of existing geologic and industrial mineral data, and collection of new data that was entered into the interactive website, which was designed and developed by Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) staff. Information was collected on the location and type of approximately 120 commercial quarries, both active and abandoned. Over 100 individual sites were located where previous workers had measured and described sections of rock outcrops. Additional sections were measured and described for this project. Over 400 feet of core were collected and examined where outcrop data were sparse. KDOT project records, geological literature and KGS and US Army Corp of Engineer core holdings were compiled and examined. KDOT records contained geological plan and profile information on over 60 highway miles and 12 bridge construction sites. The website is hosted at the KGS and will be maintained by KGS staff. The CMI website can be accessed at: CMI website capabilities include: 1) Map navigation, layer control, ability to scale level of detail; 2) Hundreds of geographically fixed locations that can be “clicked” on to access geologic and laboratory analysis data; 3) Map overlays that include geology, topography, aerial photography, roads, rivers, streams, city and county boundaries, etc.; and 4) All data and map products are available for download and printing from the website.
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