Cross-Frame Diaphragm Bracing of Steel Bridge Girders [Summary]
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Edition:Research Summary
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Abstract:Steel plate girder bridges make use of traditional cross-frame diaphragms to stabilize the compression flange of girders. These braces are required during construction, especially during deck placement, to prevent lateral torsional buckling of bridge girders. Girder buckling capacity is a function of cross-frame diaphragm spacing as well as strength and stiffness. Recent developments in bridge design may cause the governing girder limit state to shift from one of strength to one of stability. These developments include the elimination of in-plan bracing, composite girders, high performance steels, and phased deck replacements. In addition, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) has changed its code requirement for cross-frame diaphragm spacing in the 1998 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
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