Identifying Potential Workzone Countermeasures Using Connected-Vehicle and Driving Data
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Abstract:Work zones present an ongoing safety challenge to the road safety community. Traffic management in a work zone is done through movable, temporary elements, and the novelty and complexity of the situation can challenge even attentive drivers This project looked into identifying workzone countermeasures that might be implemented using V2I and I2V communication. An extensive literature review was done to identify state of the art in workzone safety interventions. Michigan crash data was analyzed and causal models were developed to identify region specific causes of workzone related crashes. It was found that driver drinking, driver distracted and driver over 65 years of age were over represented in workzone crashes as compared to non workzone crashes. Given the findings related to drunk and distracted driving, it was suggested that in vehicle alert system would be more effective in warning drivers of oncoming workzones and other vehicles, including queue lengths. It was found that infrastructure based connectivity and warning systems (I2V) could be more effective than vehicle to vehicle (V2V) because of higher market penetration rate and customizable messages on the part of MDOT.
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