Incorporating Probe Vehicle Data to Analyze Evacuation Route Resiliency
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01683680
Edition:Final Report June 1, 2016 - April 30, 2018
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Abstract:Anonymous probe vehicle data has become an important data source to evaluate the performance of highways and arterials roadway systems. By using predefined spatially located segments, Traffic Message Channels (TMCs) and XD Segments, temporal probe vehicle speed data that includes timestamp and an average speed can be collected and analyzed for each segment. This data has been used to develop agency-wide performance measures to better plan and manage infrastructure assets. Recent research has analyzed individual TMC links on roadway systems to identify congested areas along a defined route. Understanding congestion characteristics is especially important when quantifying roadway congestion under extreme conditions like a natural or human-made disaster. This paper demonstrates how probe speed data can be used to assess the impact of a major weather event on coastal roadway networks and major evacuation routes. An analysis of vehicle speed data during Hurricane Sandy (a.k.a Super Storm Sandy), the second costliest hurricane in the United States is used to demonstrate the methodologies presented in the paper. The evacuation analysis encompasses 1518 TMCs, including 13 evacuation routes, within 10-miles of the New Jersey coast. An additional analysis was conducted on a subset of the 1518 TMCs to develop a regional congestion performance measure using 614 TMCs. Approximately 90-million speed records covering nine counties where analyzed in the study. The results quantified when and where data connectivity decreased during the storm and its eventual recovery.
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