Runway-Area Topographic Considerations in Airport Licensing
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Edition:Final Report: January 1-December 31, 2003
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Abstract:Alabama’s general use airports were studied by traditional surveying and global positioning satellite techniques to determine if natural or manmade topographic hazards existed in their runway protection zones (RPZ). The severity of obstructions in the RPZ was rated on a scale of 1-5, with the severity increasing with number. Many of the airports surveyed have significant obstructions in their RPZ and are a hazard to approaching and departing aircraft. The results of this study point to the use of a RPZ obstruction rating as part of the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) airport design algorithm. The data generated during this project was compiled as a Technical Appendix, published in two companion reports for this project (UTCA Reports 03108-A and 03108-B). Photographs were taken of runway-end conditions during the project; these were provided to the ALDOT Aviation Bureau.
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