Recording and Coding Guide for the Structure Inventory and Appraisal of the Nation's Bridges
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01359275
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Abstract:This Guide has been prepared for use by the States, Federal and other agencies in recording and coding the data elements that will comprise the National Bridge Inventory data base. By having a complete and thorough inventory, an accurate report can be made to the Congress on the number and state of the Nation's bridges. The Guide also provides the data necessary for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Military Traffic Management Command to identify and classify the Strategic Highway Corridor Network and it's connectors for defense purposes. The coded items in this Guide are considered to be an integral part of the data base that can be used to meet several Federal reporting requirements, as well as part of the States' needs. These requirements are set forth in the National Bridge Inspection Standards (23 CFR 650.3) which are included as Appendix C. A complete, thorough, accurate, and compatible data base is the foundation of an effective bridge management system. Reports submitted in connection with the Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program and the National Bridge Inspection Program also are related to this Guide. The Guide, has been revised several times in the past. This latest edition revises the Guide to convert all of the units of measurement to the International System of Units (SI). It also provides more thorough and detailed guidance in evaluating and coding specific bridge data. New items have been added to include the reporting of Federal Lands Highway Systems, each State's existing linear referencing system (LRS), and the method used to determine the load ratings. Some items in the Guide have also been expanded to provide more definitive and explicit explanations and instructions for coding. Further, more basic definitions applicable to the instructions in the Guide are provided. The changes are based on comments received on the previous Guide and the metric version (January 1994) draft Guide. This revised Guide should be thoroughly reviewed by each individual involved with the National Bridge Inspection Program.
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