Bethel Airport CTB-AC Pavement Performance Analysis
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TRIS Online Accession Number:00488218
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Abstract:This report presents observations, analyses and discussion of the performance of the Bethel Airport pavement structure. Bethel Airport is located in western Alaska. The pavement structure consists of soil cement "cement treated base--CTB" underlying asphalt concrete (AC). Soil cement usage in cold regions--particularly in permafrost areas, such as Bethel Airport--is unusual, and thus provides the focus of interest in the Bethel project. The purpose of this study is to improve understanding and application of soil cement in Alaska by evaluating the CTB pavement performance at Bethel Airport. Specific objectives in that regard have been as follows: 1) Identify and discuss pertinent aspects of the natural soil, thermal, groundwater and climatological factors at the site; 2) Identify and discuss pertinent aspects of the soil cement CTB construction history; 3) Conduct a field and laboratory program to (a) measure pavement structure and thicknesses at selected sampling locations, (b) obtain asphalt concrete, soil cement CTB, crushed gravel base (CGB) and subgrade samples of the pavement for laboratory testing, and (c) measure deflections at sampling points using Benkelman beam procedures; 4) Investigate the relationship between pavement structural characteristics (as estimated from the field and laboratory program) and deflections using engineering analysis techniques; and 5) Present a general methodology for evaluating structural and economic performance of soil cement (CTB-AC) pavements in Alaska. The scope of these efforts has been generally limited to the main runway (Runway 18/36).
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