Methodology to Assess Soil, Hydrologic, and Site Parameters that Affect Wetland Restoration: Phase 2
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TRIS Online Accession Number:1152596
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Abstract:Juniper Bay is a 750 acre Carolina Bay that was purchased by the NC Department of Transportation for wetland restoration. The experimental results reported here were completed at the site between 2003 and 2007, that were completed at Juniper Bay and at three reference bays. Hydrologic studies showed that a Pond Pine Woodland plant community is growing in reference bays where water ponds above the surface for 45 to 135 days per year. At Juniper Bay, such conditions may occur in the mineral soils along the bay’s perimeter. The Nonriverine Swamp Forest community is found in organic soils that have water ponded on the surface for 300-320 days per year. This community may develop in the central portion of Juniper Bay. Because soil organic carbon levels in Juniper Bay soils generally exceed 3%, the soils should become anaerobic within a week after saturating. Other related biogeochemical reactions necessary for wetland functions should occur in Juniper Bay soils as well. Large storms (greater than 2 in. per day) cause relatively large quantities of dissolved organic carbon, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium to enter surface and ground waters at Juniper Bay. These chemical may be transported offsite in ditch water leaving the site. The quantity of phosphorus can exceed 1 ppm in organic soils because of the large amount of dissolved organic carbon produced in the soils. These phosphorus concentrations should be monitored because they may be large enough to contribute to eutrophication of downstream waters.
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