Test Plan: The I-40 TTIS (Traveler and Tourist Information System) Tourist Intercept Survey
Alternative Title:The I-40 TTIS (Traveler and Tourist Information System) Tourist Intercept Survey
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Edition:Evaluation Test Plan. 1/98-4/99
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Abstract:The I-40 Traveler and Tourist Information System (TTIS) in northern Arizona is a Field Operational Test (FOT) of Traveler Information Services in Tourism Areas funded through the National Advanced Rural Transportation Systems Program. The main objective of the I-40 TTIS is to have corridor visitors become better informed, resulting in a safer, enhanced visitor experience while traveling along the corridor. The evaluation of the I-40 TTIS is being conducted by Battelle under the ITS Program Assessment Support contract with the Department of Transportation?s ITS Joint Program Office. The evaluation will address technical challenges in developing Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) applications in rural environments, institutional benefits and issues, usefulness of the information to the traveling public, effectiveness of various media to disseminate information to the public, and the overall impact of the information on traveler behavior. The evaluation strategy combines primary and secondary data collection and analyses for evaluating benefits and outcomes. Tourist intercept surveys, focus groups, personal interviews, and special traffic studies are the primary data collection methods that will be used. This Test Plan describes the methods and procedures that will be used to carry out the tourist intercept survey. The survey will provide valuable information on ATIS awareness, use, and resulting behavior in rural environments. It will also provide information on the tourists? travel experiences, satisfaction with various aspects of the transportation system, travel characteristics, and general demographic information.
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