Transportation Conformity Reference Guide
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Abstract:The Transportation Conformity Reference Guide (the Guide) was prepared by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as a tool to facilitate compliance by State and local agencies with the transportation conformity requirements. It is a reference manual which contains transportation conformity rule and relevant preamble language, questions and answers, and lists of resource materials. The guide can be accessed from this web front page in three different ways: as an HTML document in a series of web pages, in PDF format by sections, or in entirety as a PDF document. The information is organized according to the requirements for specific pollutants and designations. The Guide is designed to be useful to both seasoned practitioners and newcomers to the transportation conformity process. All relevant materials and information needed for agencies to fully understand transportation conformity are assembled in this Guide in an accessible and easy to read format. The Guide is organized in four major Parts: Part I - Purpose and Need; Part II - How to Use This Document; Part III - Transportation Conformity Requirements; and Part IV - Emerging Issues. Part I summarizes the purpose and need for the Guide and provides a brief explanation of the Clean Air Act (CAA) and Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act/Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (ISTEA/TEA-21) statutory requirements. Part II explains how the Guide is organized and how to most effectively use the Guide to find information on specific topics or areas of interest. Part III, transportation conformity requirements, is the major part of this Guide and presents the most current information on requirements. It includes references to relevant CAA and ISTEA/TEA-21 statutory requirements, EPA's transportation conformity rule (i.e., regulatory requirements) and relevant preamble language that helps explain the rule, and DOT and EPA guidance. In addition, real world examples and practices are used in order to help readers understand the complex relationship between the elements of the transportation and air quality planning processes, and the requirements of the transportation conformity rule. Each section of Part III is self-contained. However, readers may need to refer to more than one section within Part III to understand the complete relationships and interactions within the process. Part IV provides a discussion of emerging issues that will impact transportation conformity in the near future. A bibliography and glossary are included. Users should periodically check this site for updates and revisions.
Content Notes:Revised July 31 2001
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