Impact of the Sanctioning Process on Driver Safety
Alternative Title:The Impact of Sanctioning Process on Driver Safety
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TRIS Online Accession Number:1121963
Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation‟s Bureau of Driver Licensing administers a driver sanctioning system to help improve driving habits and to ensure safe driving. Improvements to this system should be evidence-based. Driver records, which the Bureau maintains for every licensed Pennsylvania driver (as well as unlicensed drivers who are convicted of violations), contain histories of points incurred for each moving violation and sanctions imposed when point totals reach six or more. These records were analyzed to test the effectiveness of sanctions and, together with observations of Pennsylvania‟s sanctioning system in action, interviews with stakeholders, a review of relevant research, and review of best practices of other states, informed a set of recommendations for system improvements to foster a safer motoring environment for all who travel Pennsylvania's roadways.
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