Missouri Public Port Authorities: Assessment of Importance and Needs
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01025314
Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:The purpose of this report was to assess the importance and needs of Missouri's fourteen Public Port Authorities. It includes relevant assessment of Missouri's waterways in general. Waterways have an economy of scale unlike any other mode of transportation, carrying the most weight at the least cost. Missouri's waterways carry more than 34 million tons of cargo annually, worth an estimated $2 billion annually. Public Port Authorities reported more than 2.7 million tons of cargo annually, worth an estimated $190 million annually. They also have acreage, development, employment, and businesses worth millions of dollars. They reported service to 36 Missouri counties and 6 other states while Missouri's waterways have the potential to serve 83 counties. The Missouri River in particular has a potential to serve more counties and communities than it does. The primary beneficiary of public Port Authorities and waterways in general are farmers, with secondary benefits to other businesses and related economies affecting most of Missouri. Port authorities reported needs in the order of millions of dollars per year with most reported needs being infrastructure or short-term needs. A Missouri River navigation season that is better, longer, and more reliable is a common need reported by all three Missouri River Public Port Authorities. It is a common need of more than 23 Missouri counties, more than 50 small Missouri communities, dozens of private Missouri ports, and the farmers of most Missouri counties.
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