Mining and Analysis of Traffic Safety and Roadway Condition Data
Alternative Title:UTCA theme : management and safety of transportation systems
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01003863
OCLC Number:61248671
Edition:Final report Jan 1, 2004-Feb 1, 2005
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Abstract:Public transportation systems must constantly balance the drive for improved safety of roadways with constraints of available resources. This project titled “Mining and Analysis of Traffic Safety and Roadway Condition Data” applied advanced data analysis techniques across traffic safety and roadway condition data to explore the feasibility of ultimately providing additional information to transportation policy makers. Successful results of these analyses would be useful in helping to identify potential safety problems based on data mining associations between roadway conditions collected by the Alabama Department of Transportation and traffic safety records that accompany the Critical Analysis Reporting Environment (CARE) system. This project involved researchers from the Data Mining Solutions Center, the Intelligent Systems Lab and the Computer Science and Civil Engineering Departments, at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. The initial results are very encouraging, and have strongly indicated that data mining is a successful method to perform advanced analysis of traffic safety and condition data. By querying these attributes and their “risk” values among the pavement datasets, roadway locations where crashes are over represented can be identified and targeted for further analysis and evaluation by transportation experts.
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