A 2-D MASW Shear-Wave Velocity Profile Along a Test Segment of Interstate I-70, St. Louis, Missouri: Brief
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Abstract:Based on our study, the newly-developed multi-channel surface wave (MASW) acoustic technology is cost-effective and reliable technology for the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). It could save MoDOT significant field time and reduce current costs. The technology meets all of the test queries, as described below. MASW can also be used prior to drilling, thereby optimizing drilling efforts. The combined approach of MASW and targeted borings could also provide superior subsurface control relative to current practices, at a reduced cost. This could help minimize claims for changed site conditions, etc. MASW data can also be acquired in areas that are inaccessible to drill rigs (steep slopes, river banks, beneath bridges, near homes, etc.). MASW technology, however, should not be used in lieu of borehole control.
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