Economic Analysis of Roadway Occupancy for Freeway Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation: Volume 3 - Program Documentation
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TRIS Online Accession Number:00166493
Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:A computer program developed to perform an Economic Analysis of Roadway Occupancy for Maintenance and Rehabilitation EAROMAR is documented. Input includes pavement design, thickness, lanes, project length, initial and final year traffic. The program generates hourly traffic volume by trip purpose, direction and year; vehicle operational cost as a function of vehicle weight, speed and project design alignment; value of time by trip purpose, income level and time loss, annual workload by activities; activity production rates and labor, equipment and material requirements. The information used in a roadway maintenance occupancy simulation subject to constraints on work crews and roadway occupancy. The influence of roadway occupancy on motorist is executed hourly for each activity and lane closure. The resulting operational, time, accident and pollution impacts are combined for all feasible closures including traffic detours and crossovers and output in a series of optional reports.
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