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TRIS Online Accession Number:01053611
Edition:Technical Report
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Abstract:In 1994, a ramp containing two Asphalt Concrete (AC) and two portland cement concrete (PCC) sections in the SPS-8 experiment was constructed on the Ohio Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) Test Road. In 1996, 36 more sections in the SPS-1, SPS-2 and SPS-9 experiments were opened to traffic on the mainline pavement. The response and performance of these sections, climatic information from an on-site weather station, subsurface environmental conditions from sensors installed in several test sections, and traffic loading from an on-site weigh-in-motion (WIM) system have been monitored and incorporated into the national LTPP database. Analyses of these data have been published in a number of reports, technical papers and bulletins. The research project documented in this report was the latest effort by Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to continue monitoring the response and performance of many of the original 40 test sections and several sections constructed later to replace the lighter designs which, as anticipated, showed early distress. Data in this report cover the years 2000-2005. In addition to the new response and performance data obtained on the test road, this report includes: an analysis of current methodologies to mathematically model AC and PCC pavement structures, a petrographic analysis of concrete from three different PCC pavement mixes and a lean concrete base, and an in-depth analysis of WIM data. Three other experimental pavements have been constructed on ATH 50, LOG 33 and ERI/LOR 2 to evaluate the response and performance of specific parameters of interest to ODOT. These parameters included: high performance concrete containing ground granulated blast furnace slag and different types of dowel bars on ATH 50, different types of base material under flexible pavement on LOG 33, and different types of base material under rigid pavement on ERI/LOR 2. This report also contains data collected on these three pavements during 2000-2005.
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