Recycled Materials in European Highway Environments: Uses, Technologies, and Policies
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Abstract:The objective of this scanning tour was to review and document innovative policies, programs, and techniques that promote the use of recycled materials in the highway environment. The U.S. delegation met with more than 100 representatives from transportation and environmental ministries, research organizations, and industries in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and France. The European countries visited all had recycling policies promoting sustainability as well as a pervasive public culture about recycling. Many of the countries use an effective stakeholder process to develop engineering and environmental specifications. Generally, recycling occurs when it is economical to do so. Factors in the marketplace are dominant, but are supported by government policies and regulations such as bans on landfilling, landfill taxes, natural aggregate taxes, and, in some cases, subsidies to assist recycling efforts. The U.S. delegation made a number of recommendations to encourage increased awareness of the benefits of using recycled materials in road construction, and the report includes specific actions for transferring findings from the scanning tour to various stakeholders. The delegation believes it is particularly important to adopt aspects of the Dutch sustainability model.
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