ICMS Concept of Operations for a Generic Corridor
Alternative Title:Integrated Corridor Management, Concept Development and Foundational Research, Technical Memorandum, Task 2.3, Concept of Operations for a Generic Corridor
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Abstract:This Generic Concept of Operations for Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) has been developed as part of Phase 1 (Foundational Research) for the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration (FHWA/FTA) Integrated Corridor Management Initiative. The basic premise behind the ICM initiative is that independent, individual network-based transportation management systems, and their cross-network linkages, can be operated in a more coordinated and integrated manner, thereby increasing overall corridor throughput and enhancing the mobility of the corridor users. This document is intended as a high-level Concept of Operations (Con Ops) for a “generic” 15-mile corridor consisting of freeway, arterial, bus and rail networks, and serving a central business district. The purpose of this (and any) Concept of Operations) is to answer the questions of who, what, when, where, why and how for the application of an Integrated Corridor Management System (ICMS) within the corridor. Given that an ICMS is a “system of systems,” involving multiple agencies and stakeholders, it is also essential that the Con Ops define the roles and responsibilities of these participating agencies and other involved entities. The generic Concept of Operations should be viewed as an example of an ICM Con Ops that can be used by agency and network owners as the basis for developing their own corridor-specific and real-world Concept of Operations. It is emphasized that this generic document is intended as guidance, not as a “template.” Moreover, the generic corridor itself should not be construed as the optimum configuration for implementing ICM. It is only a tool to facilitate the development of this Con Ops example. The generic ICM Concept of Operations identifies important areas, features and issues that must be addressed in any site-specific Concept of Operations for integrated corridor management. Moreover, the process of developing a Concept of Operations — the involvement of all appropriate stakeholders and their continuing interaction to develop an ICM vision, identify goals and objectives, determine corridor needs, specify approaches and strategies, and resolve the various integration issues — is probably more important that the actual document itself.
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