Calculating the Critical Buckling Stress for Plates with One Free Edge Under Combined Axial and Flexural Forces
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01115110
Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:Analysis of gusset plates in truss structures may include checking the combined axial and flexural stresses in a section of the plate. Using concentrically loaded column equations for this analysis provides overly conservative results and may suggest that unnecessary repairs are required. Gusset plates may be treated as plates with the loaded edges supported and the unloaded edges having one edge supported and one edge free. In the review of the literature, formulas and/or buckling coefficients were available for many combinations of plate loading and restraint, but did not include the specific case needed for assessment of gusset plates. Using the energy method and the work of Timoshenko, and Lindquist and Stowell as a basis, equations were developed to find the critical buckling stress for a plate having simply supported loaded edges, a simply supported unloaded edge and a free loaded edge. The equations developed are applicable to rectangular plates with any length to width ratio and also to any combination of linear-varying stress.
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