At the annual meeting of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America on May 5, 1998, Deputy Secretary of Transportation Mortimer L. Downey sounded a call to action, announcing a national summit of the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) community to address Year 2000 (Y2K) computer problems in ITS. The one-day summit entitled, Partners for ITS Y2K Awareness to Action, served as the kick-off for a 500-day campaign to resolve the Y2K problems in ITS. A product of the summit is Steps for Action, a compilation of information for addressing Y2K problems from the educational, management, technical, and institutional perspectives. The participants at the summit represented industry; federal, state, and local governments; and systems operators in all modes of surface transportation, including transit, highway, and rail. Summit participants identified characteristics of a successful Y2K compliance initiative, as well as pitfalls to be avoided and some of the barriers to effective management of ITS Y2K repairs.
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