Evaluation of Waste Concrete Road Materials for Use in Oyster Aquaculture, Phase III [2017]
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Abstract:This project is the third phase of a three-phase project. The primary objective of the research is to determine the suitability of recycled concrete from road projects as bottom conditioning material for on-bottom oyster aquaculture in the Chesapeake Bay. This phase of the project evaluated the RCA for petroleum byproducts and provided methodologies for SHA evaluation of materials. The results of this project showed that using RCA as a base material for oyster reefs did not contain any hydrocarbon chemicals and did not detect any water extractable SVOC from recycled concrete from EPA 1316 extraction. Low anthracene, fluorine, phenanthrene and pyrene of samples collected from Machado Construction Co., Inc. and The Recycling Center were detected. However, the concentrations of State of Maryland Department of the Environment cleanup standard for soil and groundwater are much higher than detected concentrations. This is at least 100 times below the considered hazardous level of Protected Groundwater Standard. The result concluded that RCA gives no concern for hydrocarbon component releasing into the Chesapeake Bay watershed, if RCA is using as a bottom conditioning material for oyster aquaculture.
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