Enhance Finite Element Analysis Crash Model of Tractor-Trailers
Alternative Title:U26: Enhanced Finite Element Analysis Crash Model of Tractor-Trailers (Phase C)
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01322477
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Abstract:NTRCI sponsored the research team of Battelle, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and the University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK) to conduct a three-phase investigation to enhance and refine a FE model for simulating tractor-semitrailer crash events involving roadside safety hardware such as bridge rails and median barriers. This report documents the work completed in the third phase of the project. The objective of this investigation led by Battelle was to validate and enhance computer models of a tractor-semitrailer combination for use in analysis, design, and evaluation of roadside safety hardware. The work completed during this project phase involved: Continued enhancements of the tractor and semitrailer model, Validation of the model by comparing model results to two full-scale tractor-semitrailer crash tests, and Development of an interactive graphics based on-line user manual and FE model website. The tractor-semitrailer vehicle FE model developed in this project is the most advanced of this vehicle class in terms of physical function, geometric detail and material property accuracy. The model is computationally very robust given its complexity. It has been extensively debugged and exercised hundreds of times for the cases within the range of NCHRP Report 350 TL-5 speeds and impact angles. The model is reasonably accurate and may be used by the engineering community to design and develop roadside safety hardware that will improve overall safety of the travelling public. The model is available for download at http://www.ntrci.org
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