NHDOT installed fiberglass grid reinforcement systems at several locations in an effort to address pavement deterioration, in particular fatigue and reflective cracking. Previous to this investigation, nondestructive testing using a falling weight deflectometer was performed on six test sections, two control and four sections where fiberglass grid was installed a t mid-depth of the asphalt. The pavement structure was evaluated at a 16 ki p load, producing inconclusive results. This investigation analyzed the effect of lower impulse load levels, specifically the 9 kip load, at three test locations, one control and two reinforced. The intent was to use the light weight deflectometer to determine if reduced load levels demonstrate structural benefit. No obvious distinction due to the presence of the fiberglass grid w as detected. Based on this investigation, the benefits are not captured using nondestructive testing methods.
Phase 1 of TxDOT Project 0-6873, True Road Surface Deflection Measuring Device, developed alaser sensor system based on several sensors mounted on a r...
United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
The Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF-5) (385) study established a research consortium that provides participating agencies with guidelines on collectin...
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