Abstracts and Annotated Bibliographies of Technical Reports
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:Declining patronage and rising costs made it imperative for the Department of Street Railways of the City of Detroit to study any means hy which the number of people using their transit facilities might he increased. Suggestions of fare reductions, increased service, "better equipment, and public information programs were frequently offered as possible solutions. Transit service companies can increase patronage through reduced fares and improvements in service and equipment, hut the cost to the companies is not offset hy increased patronage. In addition, there has been no accurate measurement of the results obtained from using any of the above mentioned methods; the cost of all such programs has precluded their widespread usage over a period extensive enough to induce new patronage and measure the results. The Department of Street Railways scheduled a fairly large-scale pilot study of the effect of service increases on one of its major lines (The Grand River Line) to determine the extent to which passenger usage is. affected by the frequency of service on a given line, and to measure the effect of improved transit service on other traffic using the street. This report is divided into sections which deal separately with the various phases of the project, the different increases and improvements of service during the study period, the difficulties involved in maintaining the changed services, the types of surveys and interviews taken of the public, and the results and findings derived from the surveys. Also, included in the report are descriptions of the different types of passengers. The report emphasizes the community's response to the survey itself and the efforts of the Department of Street Railways to increase patronage of public transportation.
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