Development of Temporary Rumble Strip Specifications: [Technical Summary]
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01593742
Edition:Technical Summary
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Abstract:The objective of this study was to develop specifications for portable reusable temporary rumble strips for their applications in different work zone settings in Kansas. A detailed literature review, a survey of practice, and a closed-course test were performed regarding temporary rumble strips. Additionally, data from permanent cut-in-place (CIP) rumble strips at six locations in Kansas were collected. All commercially available portable reusable temporary rumble strips were tested at once in a closed-course setting using a standard dump truck and a full-size car. The rumble strips' rotational movement, linear movement, and sound produced by a traversing vehicle were chosen as parameters in developing the decision matrix. Measurements of the strips' linear and angular movements and sound generated due to the test vehicles passing over the rumble strips were collected for a total of 40 passes each at speeds of 22.5, 37.5, 57.5, and 67.5 mph.
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