Leveraging Resources to Address Transportation Needs: Transportation Pooled Fund Program
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Abstract:This brochure describes the Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) Program. The objectives of the TPF Program are to leverage resources, avoid duplication of effort, undertake large-scale projects, obtain greater input on project definition, achieve broader dissemination of results, and address issues of regional and national interest. A State department of transportation (DOT) or the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) must sponsor each TPF project. For a study to qualify for the TPF Program, more than one State transportation agency, Federal agency, other agency (such as a municipality or metropolitan planning organization), university, or private company must find the subject important enough to volunteer funds or other resources to conduct the research, planning, or technology transfer activity. The program has a website, www.pooledfund.org, accessible to anyone with an interest in pooled fund studies. Developed under National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 20-39(2), the site allows for online solicitations of and commitments by prospective partners, and posting of work schedules, progress reports, submittals, and deliverables. It also serves as a tool for tracking implementation activities. When a project is completed, the final report is posted on the site, where it can be transferred electronically to partners and State DOT libraries, as well as to the Transportation Research Information Services and the National Technical Information Service. This brochure provides detailed information on the program magnitude and diversity.
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