HSIS Summary Report: Safety Evaluation of Rolled-in Continuous Shoulder Rumble Strips Installed on Freeways
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Abstract:This study conducted before and after safety evaluations of projects involving the installation of rolled-in continuous shoulder rumble strips (CSRS) on rural and urban freeways. During resurfacing and shoulder rehabilitation projects, rolled-in CSRS are formed by a roller that leaves grooves during the compaction of the asphalt on the shoulder. In recent years, most CSRS installations have been of the milled type. Field tests conducted by the Virginia Department of Transportation for pavement roughness and sound levels on various typical rumble strips found that the milled type was 12.6 times and 3.35 times greater in the pavement roughness index and sound levels, respectively, than the rolled type. This summary report contains information on the State data bases used, the analysis methods, the results, and the study implications.
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