Development and Calibration of Regional Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models for the Estimation of Traffic Performance Measures in Nevada
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01652120
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Abstract:This project covered the development and calibration of a Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) model and explained the procedures, constraints, and considerations for usage of this model for the Reno-Sparks area roadway network in Northern Nevada. A literature review was conducted regarding DTA model development and applications. The details of the DTA model development for the Reno-Sparks network were documented along with necessary model calibration. DTALite was used for developing the DTA model and Network eXplorer for Traffic Analysis (NeXTA) was implemented as the user interface. Since the Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County (RTC) maintains the regional TransCAD travel demand model, the up-to-date network and Origin Destination (OD) demand data was obtained from RTC. After initial model preparation, the model was calibrated by comparing the DTA generated link volumes and those obtained from the Nevada Department of Transportation's (NDOT’s) Traffic Record Information Access (TRINA) database, which includes 24-hour link volumes on major roadway links collected from permanent and temporary traffic count stations. The DTA model development included the following major steps: (1) Import the network and demand data from TransCAD into NeXTA; (2) Perform a dynamic traffic assignment in DTALite to achieve an equilibrium to produce an initial DTA model; (3) Prepare field data and run Origin Destination Matrix Estimation (ODME) for initial network calibration; (4) Validate and demand modifications to better match the observed counts versus simulation volumes; and (5) Cut a subarea and perform further analysis in micro simulation software packages (optional).
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