USDOT’s Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) ITS strategic plan, 2015-2019.
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Abstract:This document constitutes the Intelligent Transportation Systems Strategic Plan covering the years 2015 to 2019; it
builds on the progress of the 2010-2014 plan and presents a wide array of technical, policy, institutional, and
organizational concepts. It provides a comprehensive perspective that is based on an inclusive, collaborative,
interactive, and iterative process, with a wide mix of stakeholder engagement opportunities that ensured that the
Strategic Plan reflects the aspirations of the multi-faceted ITS community across the nation.
This new Plan: identifies a vision – “Transform the Way Society Moves,” and the ITS JPO’s associated mission
of advancing research that cuts across all surface modes; outlines technology lifecycle stages and strategic
themes articulating outcomes and performance goals that define six program categories; describes “Realizing
Connected Vehicle Implementation” and “Advancing Automation” as the primary technological drivers of current
and future ITS work across many sectors; and, presents enterprise data, interoperability, ITS deployment
support, and emerging ITS capabilities as additional program categories that are supplemental and
interdependent activities critical to achieving the program’s vision. The plan further identifies research questions
aligned to every program category in each stage of the technology lifecycle, in addition to cross-cutting
organizational and operational disciplines that relate to the program categories.
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