According to HeliExperts International, “Heliports/Vertiports are designated helicopter and tiltrotor landing and takeoff areas. They range from simple unprepared open fields and parking lots to locations that support scheduled air services, complete with hangars, fuel and aircraft maintenance capabilities. Over 90% of current facilities are of the simple single-aircraft variety with no fuel or services” (1). HeliExperts goes on to differentiate between heliports, vertiports, and stops: “A heliport/helistop is designed for helicopter takeoffs and landings. A heliport has support facilities such as fuel, hangaring and attendants. A helistop is an area that can be multi-use, such as a parking lot, athletic field, rest area along highways, and golf course. It has no support facilities such as fuel, hangaring or attendants. When not in use as a helistop, the area can be used for other purposes. A Vertiport/Vertistop is designed for use by tiltrotors as well as helicopters. A vertiport has support facilities such as fuel, hangaring and attendants. A vertistop is an area that can be multi-use, such as a parking lot, athletic field, rest area along the highway, and golf course. It has no support facilities such as fuel, hangaring or attendants” (1).ac
A computer program to predict the Effective Perceived Noise Level (EPNL), the tone corrected Perceived Noise Level (PNLT) and the A-Weighted Sound Lev...
This report presents details of the installation of a Doppler acoustic vortex sensing system at JFK Runway 31R, the hardware and software improvements...
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