Advanced Technologies and Methodology for Automated Ultrasonic Testing Systems Quantification
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01643606
Edition:Final Project Report, July 2007 through March 2011
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Abstract:For automated ultrasonic testing (AUT) detection and sizing accuracy, this program developed a methodology for quantification of AUT systems, advancing and quantifying AUT systems image capture capabilities, quantifying the performance of multiple AUT systems, establishing a guidance document, conducting field tests, and delivering a guidance document for future inclusion in reliability-based design and assessment (RBDA) standards. Improvements for AUT of pipeline girth welds were identified by investigating: imaging techniques for AUT data, modeling and simulation tools for AUT technique development and validation, and quantification methodologies for measuring the performance of AUT systems. Throughout the course of the project, many AUT scans were conducted using both zonal and non-zonal inspection techniques. The quantification methodology provides guidance for quantifying the performance of AUT systems with respect to probability of detection (POD) and accuracy of flaw sizing. Field trials and lab trials demonstrated that a sector sweep of beam angles provides alternative imaging capabilities that may enhance current zonal techniques. Current methodologies used for quantifying detection and sizing limits for AUT systems vary and produce great variability in detection and sizing results. Consequently, a standardized quantification approach is recommended to reduce this variability. This investigation evaluated six AUT systems; flaw heights were detected between 2 and 4 mm with a 90% probability and a confidence level of 95% (a90/95). The use of ultrasonic modeling and inspection simulation software provided a good tool for developing and evaluating AUT procedures; and can be used to evaluate changes in essential variables.
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