A 2040 Vision for the I-95 Coalition Region: Supporting Economic Growth in a Carbon-Constrained Environment
By Cambridge Systematics ...
Alternative Title:Long Range Strategic Vision for the I-95 Coalition Region
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:The I-95 Corridor Coalition’s Vision project is a departure from the Coalition’s historic role that focused primarily on shorter-term operational improvements in the corridor. In the past, most of the day-to-day issues confronting the Coalition members have tended to be on a subregional scale. Today, however, it is increasingly recognized that there are a range of issues at a larger scale, the most obvious being the movement of people and freight within the north-south transportation corridor along the east coast, involving common concerns ranging from real time operations to improved modal integration and the long-term viability of the system in light of energy and climate concerns. The project, therefore, was designed to formulate and analyze an alternative vision of the future for the entire region – one which accommodates other key values and issues related to climate change, energy, a global economy, and quality of life, while reexamining the traditional modal mix and service options available for passenger and freight transportation in the corridor. This study has capitalized on a range of recent policy-driven transportation studies oriented to developing a long-range vision for transportation. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) led vision summit, National Transportation Vision and Strategy for the 21st Century, held May 2007 at Cambridge, Maryland culminated just at the time of scoping for the I-95 Vision project, so it was an important initial building block for the project. The team solicited Vision efforts from states and subsequently held an intake session with the larger metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in the region and got their input on related vision efforts and scenario testing in their respective regions. Another key resource was the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission data and analytical tools which were used to support technical analyses for this study.
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