Implementation of GPS Machine Controlled Grading - Phase III (2008) and Technical Training
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Edition:Final Report [3/1/08 - 5/1/09]
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Abstract:Beginning in 2006, WisDOT and the Construction Material and Support Center (CMSC) at UW-Madison worked together to develop the specifications and the QA/QC procedures for GPS machine guidance on highway grading projects. These specifications and procedures were the basis for the 2007 Pilot Program using GPS machine control grading on two projects. A phase II contract with CMSC was developed to monitor and analyze the 2007 pilot projects. The end result of this contract was the refinement of the specifications and procedures to be used in the 2008 pilot program. Currently there are five (5) grading contracts that were selected by the regions as good candidates for GPS machine guidance and will be let with specifications that will permit the use of GPS machine guidance in lieu of setting blue tops. In addition, there is one (1) more project that is in the process of doing a no cost contract change order to use GPS machine guidance and will be part of the 2008 pilot program. Because five (5) of these projects will permit and not require the use of GPS machine guidance, we are uncertain at this time of the exact number for our 2008 pilot program. We are anticipating 2 - 4 projects in the 2008 pilot program. The allocation of hours by CMSC staff in the section on Tasks, below, assumes three pilot projects.
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