Applications for the environment : real-time information synthesis (AERIS) eco-signal operations : operational concept.
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Applications for the environment : real-time information synthesis (AERIS) eco-signal operations : operational concept.

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  • Abstract:
    This document serves as an Operational Concept for the Applications for the Environment: Real-Time Information Synthesis (AERIS) Eco-Signal Operations Transformative Concept. It was developed along with two other Operational Concept documents that describe the AERIS Transformative Concepts – or operational scenarios describing connected vehicle applications that have the potential to reduce transportation’s impact on the environment. The Transformative Concept includes five applications: (1)Eco-Traffic Signal Timing, (2) Eco-Traffic Signal Priority, (3) Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections, (4) Connected Eco-Driving, and (5) Wireless Inductive Charging.

    The Eco-Signal Operations Transformative Concept uses connected vehicle technologies to decrease fuel consumption and decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria air pollutant emissions by reducing idling, the number of stops, unnecessary accelerations and decelerations as well as improving traffic flow at signalized intersections. A foundational component of this concept uses wireless data communications among enabled vehicles and roadside infrastructure. This includes broadcasting signal phase and timing (SPaT) data to vehicles. Upon receiving this information, Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections applications located on-board vehicles can perform calculations to provide speed advice to the driver of the vehicle, allowing the driver to adapt the vehicle’s speed to pass the next signal on green or to decelerate to a stop in the most eco-friendly manner. The application may also consider a vehicle’s acceleration as it departs from a signalized intersection and engine start-stop technology when the vehicle is stopped at a traffic signal. Engine start-stop capabilities allow the vehicle to automatically shut down and restart its engine when stopped thus reducing the amount of time the engine spends idling, thereby reducing fuel consumption and emissions. This is advantageous for the vehicle as it spends time waiting at traffic lights.

    The Eco-Signal Operations Transformative Concept also considers infrastructure-based applications that may optimize the performance of the traffic signal. The Eco-Traffic Signal Timing application is similar to current traffic signal systems; however the application’s objective would be to optimize traffic signals for the environment (i.e., optimize timing plans to reduce emissions or fuel consumption instead of delay) by leveraging connected vehicle data. The application would collect data from vehicles, such as vehicle location, speed, and emissions data using connected vehicle technologies to determine the optimal operation of the traffic signal system. The Eco-Signal Operations Transformative Concept also supports multi-modal operations, including transit and freight. The Eco-Traffic Signal Priority application supports these modes by allowing either transit or freight vehicles approaching a signalized intersection to request signal priority. By consider the transit or freight vehicle’s location, speed, vehicle type (e.g., alternative fuel vehicles) and associated GHG and other emissions, it is possible for the traffic signal system to determine if priority should be granted. Other information, such as a transit vehicle’s adherence to its schedule, the number of passengers on the bus, or the weight of the truck may also be considered in granting priority. The purpose of this application is to make better decisions about whether or not to grant signal priority with the goal of reducing overall emissions at the signalized intersection.

    Finally, wireless inductive charging includes infrastructure deployed along the roadway that uses magnetic fields to wirelessly transmit large electric currents between metal coils placed several feet apart. This infrastructure enables inductive charging of electric vehicles including cars, trucks, and buses. Roadside charging infrastructure supports static charging capable of transferring electric power to a vehicle stopped at a traffic signal.

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