Bringing fuel cell vehicles to market : scenarios and challenges with fuel alternatives : consultant study report [version 1.1]
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Abstract:The California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP) commissioned a study on bringing fuel cell vehicles to market and the scenarios and challenges with fuel alternatives. The study?s overall goal was to identify challenges and solutions for four different fuel scenarios (hydrogen, methanol, gasoline, and ethanol) and to determine the actions necessary, with regard to both industry and government, to commercialize light-duty fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) in a near to mid-term timeframe. At the CaFCP?s request, the study focuses on relatively early commercialization levels and on the California market as the assumed point of initial commercial distribution, although broader and longer-term implications are also considered. There is no specific calendar target for this commercialization, although estimates of minimum possible times are derived for some key steps. Figures, tables, appendices. (267 p.; 1.5 Mb)
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