Coast Guard : budget and management challenges for 2003 and beyond : statement of JayEtta Z. Hecker, Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues
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Coast Guard : budget and management challenges for 2003 and beyond : statement of JayEtta Z. Hecker, Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues

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  • Abstract:
    The Coast Guard, a Department of Transportation agency, is involved in seven main mission or program areas: (1) enforcing maritime laws and treaties, (2) search and rescue (3) aids to navigation, (4) marine environmental protection, (5) marine safety and security (including homeland security), (6) defense readiness, and (7) ice operations. The Coast Guard?s fiscal year 2003 budget request of $7.3 billion is a 36 percent increase from the previous year, part of which is for an increased emphasis on homeland security. At the same time, the Coast Guard has many other ongoing responsibilities, ranging from boater safety to icebreaking. How?and whether?the Coast Guard can continue to meet all of these responsibilities is a matter of concern to the Congress. Mr. Hecker?s testimony addresses three topics: (1) the extent to which the homeland security measures undertaken by the Coast Guard since September 11th affected the agency?s multiple missions; (2) how these changes are reflected in the requested fiscal year 2003 funding levels for each of the Coast Guard?s major missions, and (3) the challenges the Coast Guard faces in 2003 and beyond in continuing to perform all of these missions. Appendix, 2 tables, 4 figures, 20 p.
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