U.S. DOT ITS evaluation 2010 workshop summary.
Alternative Title:United States DOT ITS Evaluation 2010 Workshop Summary;United States Department of Transportation ITS Evaluation 2010 Workshop Summary;
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Edition:Final; Sept. 2010-Nov. 2010.
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Abstract:This document presents a summary of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Evaluation Workshop conducted on September 20, 2010
in Irvine, California. Sixty-four participants shared ideas and exchanged information on the evaluation of ITS research and deployments in the
context of emerging technologies, and the need to support sustainability and livability. Participants also discussed ways of assessing ITS
research initiatives as well as evaluating sustainability and livability goals. Among the ideas expressed in the workshop are the following:
The emergence of technologies that enable continuous data collection requires changes in the way entities share and analyze data.
Evaluation should be used as an iterative feedback mechanism aimed at improving projects on an ongoing basis.
ITS is a valuable tool for reducing greenhouse gases.
Maintenance and operations costs are elements that belong in the evaluation analysis.
The ITS Knowledge Resources databases are valuable and the benefits databases should include high-level summaries of benefits.
Legacy ITS projects and applications such as ramp metering still require evaluation.
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