Impact of access management practices to pedestrian safety.
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Abstract:This study focused on the impact of access management practices to the safety of pedestrians. Some
of the access management practices considered to impact pedestrian safety included limiting direct
access to and from major streets, locating signals, limiting the number of conflict points and
separating conflict areas, removing turning vehicles from through traffic lanes, using nontraversable
medians to manage left-turn movements and providing a supporting street and circulation system.
The study evaluated through statistical modeling the correlation between access management
practices to pedestrian crashes. Focused on the impacts of access management on pedestrian crashes,
eight (8) major roadway corridors were selected and utilized for analysis. Utilizing Negative
Binomial, the correlation between roadway features and pedestrian crashes were modeled. Four
variables including AADT, access density, percentage of trucks and the presence of TWLT were
found to be positively associated with the pedestrian crash frequency. Variables such as the presence
of median, presence of crosswalk, presence of shoulders, presence of sidewalk and high speed limit
had negative coefficients hence their increase or presence tends to decrease pedestrian crashes. It
could therefore be concluded that though these variables had some influence on the pedestrian
crashes, access density, crosswalk, sidewalk and speed limit were the most statistically significant
variables that determined the frequency of the pedestrian crashes.
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