Recommendations for extending asphalt pavement surface life within Washington State.
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Abstract:This study identifies and evaluates hot mix asphalt (HMA) mix design and construction techniques with potential for improving WSDOT pavement surface life. WSDOT pavement failure mechanisms are found to be predominantly cracking. Rutting may reach a failure threshold first in areas with high traffic or studded tire use. A literature review, survey of state DOT practices, case study, WSPMS (Washington State Pavement Management System) data analysis, and limited laboratory testing identified 17 construction and mix design techniques with promise. Of these 17 techniques the use of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) mixtures for high-traffic interstate routes, 3/8-inch nominal maximum aggregate size mixes for medium/low traffic routes and mountain passes, non-Superpave aggregate gradation, reduced N-design gyration levels for Superpave mix design, and warm mix asphalt (WMA) to aid compaction are highly recommended for further investigation and implementation.
Other techniques recommended for further investigation and possible implementation are: adoption of a cracking performance test for Superpave mix design; applying a BST within a year of paving to reduce pavement surface aging; specifying the use of Pave IR for mountain pass jobs and cold weather paving; and using steel slag aggregate in situations that call for improved friction and resistance to studded tire wear (i.e., at mountain passes).
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