Steel pin and hanger assembly replacement options : final report.
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Abstract:A number of steel beam bridges exist in the United States that contain pin and hanger assemblies. Pin and hanger assemblies are fracture critical members whose failure would result in collapse of the bridge or render it unable to perform its expected functions. As these bridges continue to age, many assemblies have deteriorated to a point where retrofit or replacement has to be considered and performed to maintain intended safety and performance. States have taken various approaches to address the pin and hanger assembly retrofit and replacement options. However, there is no single report that summarizes these approaches. This report documents steel pin and hanger assembly retrofit and replacement options via a literature review and synthesis that explores options that have been studied and implemented in the United States. In conjunction with the literature review, a survey was developed in conjunction with the Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to assist with identifying implemented strategies and evaluate best practices. Information was solicited from 50 states and was used in conjunction with the literature review to develop flowcharts that would assist NDOR personnel with assessing various options and their consequences when pin and hanger assembly retrofit or replacement options are being considered for bridges in the state.
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