Security credentials management system (SCMS) design and analysis for the connected vehicle system : draft.
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Abstract:This report presents an analysis by Booz Allen Hamilton (Booz Allen) of the technical design for the Security Credentials Management System (SCMS) intended to support communications security for the connected vehicle system. The SCMS technical design was developed by the Crash Avoidance Metrics Partnership (CAMP) and was current as of December 2013. The report provides findings related to several documented aspects of the SCMS design for full deployment, the assumptions used in the analysis, and any implications. The team focused on the following broad topic areas: technical design, governance, privacy, misbehavior, and costs. The team examined the various components, or functions, of the SCMS and reviewed the public key infrastructure (PKI) architecture upon which the system is built. The governance analysis outlines the three high level governance options (i.e., public, public-private partnership, and private), with a focus on the scenario where the SCMS is owned/operated by private industry organizations. For privacy, the team conducted an analysis of the risk of vehicle tracking, bounded by a specific set of parameters. The analysis highlights the level of difficulty that a malicious user would face in attempting to track a vehicle with data from the basic safety message (BSM). Although misbehavior detection and management is still largely under development for the SCMS, the team reviewed what is known and the report includes several outstanding questions related to misbehavior. The team developed cost estimates based on technical functionality and several assumptions about such topics as processing power, facilities, staffing needs, and growth of the system over time. The team also developed a cost model to assist decision makers in understanding how costs can vary across a range of scenarios. The report concludes with a list of outstanding items that need to be addressed prior to system deployment.
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