Information and transportation choices, long- and short-term, that link sustainability and livability : USDOT Region V Regional University Transportation Center final report.
Alternative Title:Accessibility analysis for transportation plans and projects.
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Abstract:Transportation plans and projects are typically evaluated, both prospectively and retrospectively, with metrics of mobility, notably highway level of service. This practice implicitly treats mobility improvements as desirable. Yet mobility improvements can induce land-use change in the form of either a spreading or a clustering of origins and destinations. Where spreading occurs, the induced landuse change can degrade, neutralize, or even reverse the accessibility impacts of the transportation investments. By contrast, where origin-destination clustering is induced, the land-use effects can enhance the accessibility impacts of the transportation investment.
For these reasons, an evaluation of transportation projects based in accessibility—which is the fundamental purpose of transportation—must first project land-use impacts of the transportation project before its impacts may be gauged. This implies a reformed transportation-planning practice that does not stop at mobility but evaluates transportation plans and projects through metrics of accessibility.
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