Eco-Approach and Eco-Departure Planning Study [Final Report]
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:A long term (10 year) research roadmap is proposed to guide the development and potential deployment of Eco-Approach and Departure (Eco A/D) functionality at signalized intersections, with a focus on commercialization of initial system concepts in 5+ years. A review of Eco-Signal relevant research yielded a comprehensive set of key technical issues and knowledge gaps. Data sharing, privacy, security and liability issues associated with implementing Eco A/D functionality were also examined. Analysis of the AERIS Eco-Signal Operational Concept identified numerous assumptions regarding system operation. These assumptions were prioritized and merged with the results of the literature search to produce a refined Eco A/D operational concept and associated set of research needs. A process workflow was developed and a chronology was established to address near-term (0-4 years), mid-term (4-6 years) or long-term (6-10 years) research needs in an evolutionary fashion. The near-term phase of the plan focuses on combining commercial deployment of Level 1 longitudinal control systems with evolving Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communications capabilities, where individual intersections would interact with ad-hoc strings of equipped vehicles to provide Eco A/D functionality in mixed flow conditions. Conducting the near-term portion of the research plan is recommended and a two-phase approach proposed, first modeling an existing traffic corridor to develop an Eco A/D system architecture and vehicle / infrastructure algorithms, then implementing system elements in a progressive fashion culminating in a field operational test.
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