Safety management system needs assessment.
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Abstract:The safety of the traveling public is critical as each year there are approximately 200 highway fatalities in Nebraska and numerous crash injuries. The objective of this research was to conduct a needs assessment to identify the requirements of a statewide safety management system for Nebraska. When fully operational, the envisioned system will allow staff from different Nebraska public agencies to remotely access the system and input and output crash data, identify and analyze high crash locations, identify countermeasures, conduct economic analysis, provide project implementation priority, and evaluate implemented solutions. To achieve the objective, the available literature on traffic safety management systems and software packages were reviewed first. Next, identification of the safety management system stakeholders in Nebraska was conducted, which resulted in the consideration of all Nebraska counties and cities as stakeholders. An online questionnaire was then designed for a survey in which the stakeholders were invited to participate. In this survey, stakeholders were asked about the possible needs they have in a traffic safety management system, and their responses were used to compile their needs. Based on the results of the survey, a conceptual design of a highway safety management system was prepared. This system is based on a database and a set of analysis modules that public agencies can use to improve public safety in their affiliated counties and cities.
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