Development of an early warning sensor and network for brown-‐out conditions.
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Abstract:Brownout conditions on motorways are caused by windblown dust and sand from upwind areas where
soils are susceptible to wind erosion. Owing in part to prolonged droughts that have dried
soils and denuded vegetation and biological crusts, large, multi-‐car pile-‐ups have occurred
in all three states within the SOLARIS (Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico) domain as well as in
other states such as Oklahoma, Texas, and Colorado.
At a critical wind condition, known as the threshold shear stress, sand grains can become
entrained into the wind flow and can start to bounce along the surface, with each bounce
resembling a ballistic impact that can release other sand grains. With each ballistic impact
between sand grain and soil surface, small particles that are normally unable to become aerodynamically entrained on their own, are dislodged into the air flow.
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