Statewide ITS Architecture Development: A Case Study: Arizona's Rural Statewide ITS Architecture: Building a Framework for Statewide ITS Integration
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Abstract:This is one of seven studies exploring processes for developing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) architectures for regional, statewide, or commercial vehicle applications. This study was prepared for a broad-based, non-technical audience. In December 1998, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) completed a comprehensive effort to develop a strategic plan for statewide deployment of ITS. As one of the first in the nation, Arizona's Statewide ITS Strategic Plan represents the culmination of an institutional commitment to build a statewide ITS infrastructure to improve both the safety and efficiency of the state's transportation system. This case study offers insights on: how using the National ITS Architecture can save time and resources, guarantee that potential links between systems are not overlooked, and assure consistency with federal-funded requirements; how ADOT used their Community Relations Office to solicit input from a large and diverse group of stakeholders which contributed to the success of both the statewide and earlier I-40 Corridor architecture development efforts; how incorporating input from non-traditional stakeholders such as the National Park Service, the National Weather Service, and the railroad agencies created a final product diverse and flexible enough to meet, and prioritize, the short- and long-term needs of the entire state; and how the lessons learned during development of the Early Deployment Plan for the I-40 Corridor in northern Arizona served as the framework for the subsequent statewide effort.
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