Updating Rhode Island’s strategic highway safety plan (SHSP).
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Abstract:This report summarizes the peer exchange sponsored by the Rhode Island
Department of Transportation (RIDOT) that focused on Rhode Island’s SHSP
Rhode Island’s goals for the peer exchange included learning from other States’
experiences and incorporating success factors into its SHSP update. RIDOT
applied to the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Roadway Safety
Professional Capacity Building (RSPCB) Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Program seeking
technical assistance to learn from others’ experiences on the following topics:
Improving crash forms to better capture data on speeding, distracted
driving, and toxicology;
Integrating databases to determine crash rates and contributing
factors, as well as statistical outcomes of injury crashes;
Aligning Highway Safety Plan (HSP) and SHSP goals, particularly
those related to TZD; and
Measuring the effectiveness of the SHSP, maintaining stakeholder
involvement, and incorporating the SHSP into all agency plans.
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