Track and track-side video survey technology development.
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Abstract:Researchers at HiDef/Createc have completed prototype development and testing of a novel track video surveying technology
called Track and Track-Side Video Survey (TTVS). TTVS is designed to capture clear video images of the track and track side
areas from a moving platform at speed. This video data can be used to augment manual visual surveys and to add contextual value
to existing data sets. The system has a user-friendly interface that allows for efficient data display and manipulation. Researchers
completed trials of the prototype TTVS system on railroads in Maryland and Florida and demonstrated the system’s ability to
gather detailed imagery of the track and track-side at a resolution of 1 mm. Clear images were obtained at speeds up to 28 mph
under a variety of weather conditions. Researchers also demonstrated the linking of external data to the video using geo-referencing techniques and used a novel algorithm to geo-track images within the field of view. With additional development, the
TTVS system can be employed in various track inspection and documentation tasks. Recommendations for future development
include improving video resolution at higher speeds, dynamic linking of external data, and creating algorithms to make
measurements directly from the video images.
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