Best practices for achieving and measuring pavement smoothness, a synthesis of state-of-practice.
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Abstract:Pavement smoothness specifications have evolved significantly over the past decade. More and more
states are moving away from profilograph-based smoothness specifications to IRI-based specifications.
Unfortunately, a limited history with the usage of IRI-based specifications has led to some confusion
over how best to structure a specification in terms of test methods and profiling equipment, thresholds
for full pay/incentive/disincentive, and requirements for localized roughness or “must correct” areas.
This limited history has also led to contractors who were used to profilograph-based specifications
struggling to achieve the same level of quality under IRI-based specifications. This synthesis
summarizes the current state-of-the-practice for IRI-based pavement smoothness specifications in the
US. It highlights recent and current research related the pavement smoothness and provides general best
practices for construction to help achieve requirements for IRI-based specifications.
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