Field testing of alternative carbide edge snow plow blades : [technical memorandum].
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Abstract:The Maine Department of Transportation uses almost 2,500 carbide cutting edges on its fleet of highway snow plow trucks
each winter. This represents almost 9,000 linear ft. of cutting edges and an annual expenditure of roughly $150,000 each winter
season. This does not include the number of regular steel or hardened steel blades used on other types of equipment such as
graders, bucket loaders, etc. The number of replacement blades used in any particular season, and the annual costs for these
blades, depend on the number and severity of winter storms and the condition of the roads. The expected life of a set of carbide
edge blades is highly variable. Estimates range from 100 to 500 hours of plowing time per set. Longer lasting could lead to
significant cost savings.
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